Many factors can contribute to the accumulation of extra fat or loose skin on the thighs. If you have been unhappy with the appearance of your legs, and no amount of exercise or diet has made the improvements you would like, you may be the perfect candidate for an outer thigh lift. This body sculpting procedure can restore a smoother, more youthful-looking contour to your legs while improving your confidence.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, a board-certified plastic surgeon at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, can help you decide if an outer thigh lift in Eugene is right for you. Consider scheduling a consultation to learn more about your options for looking as good as you feel.

What is an Outer Thigh Lift?

An outer thigh lift, or “outer thighplasty,” is sometimes referred to as a lateral thigh lift. It is a surgical approach to contouring the body that results in dimple-free, thinner, and more toned legs by removing extra skin and stubborn fat cells from the outer thigh area. Incisions are typically made around the waist, and the excess tissue is lifted and secured at the hip bone. Outer thigh lifts in Eugene are frequently combined with other procedures such as a butt lift, inner thigh lift, or liposuction to enhance aesthetic results further.

Good Candidates for a Lateral Thigh Lift

Generally, people looking to have a lateral thigh lift have been struggling with fat accumulation or sagging skin that exercise has been unable to correct. Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight can also be distressed by loose or hanging skin. In addition to being dissatisfied with the appearance of your legs, ideal candidates for outer thigh lifts in Eugene should:

  • Have maintained a stable weight for an extended period
  • Not smoke cigarettes
  • Have a positive attitude and realistic expectations
  • Lead a moderately healthy lifestyle
  • Not have any medical conditions that would delay healing or increase the risks of surgery, such as certain heart conditions or uncontrolled diabetes

Dr. Daniel and his team of aesthetic experts make it a point to thoroughly evaluate each patient’s health history prior to the recommendation of any procedure. This is to ensure beautiful lasting results and to minimize the risk of any complications.

What to Expect

Outer thighplasty is generally performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. Typically, the surgery lasts from two to three hours, depending on whether it is combined with other treatments. Our patients will receive a comprehensive list of pre-op and post-op instructions, and follow-up visits in the office will be scheduled so that Dr. Daniel can track the healing progress.

Recovery is different for each patient. You will usually wear a compression garment for the first few weeks to help with healing and swelling, and to provide support. Expect to see some bruising and swelling for the first month or so. Lateral thigh lift patients in Eugene should be able to resume normal, nonstrenuous activities in about a week and more rigorous activities sometime after the first month.

Once swelling has subsided, patients can expect a sleeker, better-toned appearance to their legs and a boost in self-confidence. In addition, more wardrobe choices may become available.

Consider Scheduling a Consultation for an Outer Thigh Lift in Eugene

At Aesthetic Plastic surgery, we have many years of experience working with patients who want to improve their appearance, as well as their self-esteem. We take pride in customizing each procedure and treatment we offer to the individual based on their aesthetic goals, health, and anatomy.

If you are considering an outer thigh lift in Eugene, contact our office today to schedule a consultation to learn more about the procedure and determine if it will help you with your aesthetic goals.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401