A facelift can transform your face and wind back time, taking years off your appearance and revitalizing your youthfulness. It targets almost all of the major signs of aging, including sagging, loose skin of the face or neck, jowls created by loose tissue along the jawline, volume loss, and fine lines and wrinkles.

If you are considering this or another procedure, you will likely have many questions. Our team of aesthetic experts and board-certified plastic surgeon is here to address all of your concerns and ensure the best experience possible. Consider booking an appointment to learn more about facelift recovery and results in Eugene and to find out how a facelift can help you restore your self-confidence.

Facelift Recovery Tips

A facelift is an excellent option for men and women seeking to decrease or eliminate moderate to advanced signs of aging on the face and neck. Because Dr. Daniel utilizes an individualized approach to all of his procedures, facelift recovery time and results will vary for each Eugene patient. You will be given a comprehensive list of pre-and post-op care instructions and a thorough review of what to expect from your recovery during your initial consultation. However, some common recovery tips include:

  • A mild amount of pain is normal. Be sure to treat your pain with over-the-counter relief or with the medications prescribed to you by Dr. Daniel
  • Be sure to get plenty of rest, especially in the first few days following your procedure. During this time, you may need help around the house, and you may need to limit facial movement
  • You will likely need at least two weeks of complete downtime and at least four weeks before you can resume strenuous activity, such as going to the gym
  • Take good care of your facial skin following the procedure. This means adequately moisturizing, following a good skincare routine with high-quality products, and always wearing SPF in the sun. Our team can advise you on a more customized morning and evening routine
  • Eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein

Our aesthetic experts will instruct you on when to remove dressings, how to care for your incisions, your specific timeline for resuming work and other activities, and when to visit the clinic for your follow-up appointments.

What Can I Expect from the Results of My Facelift?

While some results of your Eugene facelift will be immediately visible following the procedure, such as diminished folds and wrinkles, you will see the full effects of your surgery after the six-week mark. During your recovery, as your swelling starts to go down and your body begins to heal, you will notice more and more improvements in your appearance.

Skin will look tighter and smoother. You will also see a more defined facial structure and jawline and the reduction of saggy skin and jowls. If you underwent other procedures along with your facelift, such as a neck lift or certain non-invasive treatments like dermal fillers, you will also be able to see marked improvements in these areas.

It is important to remember that everyone heals at a different rate. Dr. Daniel will advise you on a more specific timeline that aligns with the extensiveness of your surgery.

Speak With Us About Facelift Recovery and Results in Eugene

If you would like to look as young as you feel, a facelift may be a great option for you to revitalize your appearance as well as your confidence. To learn more about facelift recovery and results in Eugene, reach out to our skilled team of aesthetic experts.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401