For many people, having acne-prone, dull and damaged skin is a reality that causes a decrease in self-confidence and overall happiness with one’s appearance. Fortunately, our premiere MedSpa at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offers a variety of chemical peel treatments to address these concerns and more and provide a path to looking and feeling your best.

Salicylic acid peel treatments in Eugene effectively remove excess oil from the skin, reducing blemishes, scarring, and clogged pores on your face, back, upper arms, and chest. If you would like to take the first step towards clearer, smoother skin, get in touch with our team of aesthetic experts today to learn more or to schedule a comprehensive consultation.

What are the Benefits of Salicylic Acid Peels?

Salicylic acid is not a recent cosmetic discovery. It is a naturally occurring beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) found in willow bark and wintergreen leaves and has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat various skin conditions. Like other chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, salicylic acid removes dead skin cells, excess oil, and other impurities from the epidermis. Salicylic acid peel treatments in Eugene work by penetrating deep into the pores and softening keratin bonds to allow the shedding or peeling of the top layer of skin to reveal a smoother surface.

These treatments can benefit your skin in several ways, including targeting common concerns such as:

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Rosacea
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Clogged pores
  • Excess oil production
  • Dullness

Optimal results are achieved by undergoing a series of three to six treatments every four to six weeks, with maintenance treatments every six months. The amount and frequency of peels you need will depend on your aesthetic goals and skin condition and will be customized to you by our experts.

Are You a Good Candidate for Salicylic Acid Treatments?

Good candidates for salicylic acid peels are individuals who want to improve the appearance of skin inflammation, irregular skin pigmentation, acne, or excess sebum production. These treatments typically work well for all skin types and tones. However, they are not recommended for anyone with open wounds, sunburns, or those who have used isotretinoin for the past three to six months.

The best way to know if salicylic acid is an appropriate treatment option for you is to have a comprehensive consultation in our office. In some instances, our aesthetic specialists might recommend a different type of chemical peel or other forms of treatment, such as laser therapies or microdermabrasion, to achieve the best results.

What to Expect at Your Visit

On the day of your salicylic acid peel treatment in Eugene, your specialist will wash and prepare your skin, then cover the area with a salicylic acid gel or liquid. They may begin with a 20 to 30 percent solution, which could increase to 50 percent depending on your skin condition.

Several coats will be applied and allowed to sit for three to five minutes. No neutralizing agent is necessary; once the treatment is complete, the skin will be cleansed and moisturized. Some mild redness and irritation may occur for the first few days but should subside. Mild peeling and crusting are to be expected. No downtime is required, and you can return to most of your normal activities immediately post-treatment. Makeup may be worn once the skin is no longer irritated.

Consider Scheduling a Consultation in Eugene for a Salicylic Acid Peel Treatment

A salicylic acid peel treatment in Eugene could help you to improve the look of your skin and give you a needed boost of confidence regarding your appearance. To learn more about this or the other treatments we offer, reach out to our skilled team today. We are happy to assist you on your journey to clearer, more vibrant skin.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401