What Happens to Your Belly Button during a Tummy Tuck?

As popular as a tummy tuck is, most people only understand the basics of the procedure. That is, a flabby belly can be transformed into a taut, toned stomach. If you’ve spent any time looking at tummy tuck before and after photos, you’ve seen how an abdominoplasty can transform the midsection and improve abdominal contours. And at the very center of this transformation is the belly button.

Skin in the Game

[pullquote]    A full tummy tuck addresses the area both above and below the navel, eliminating excess skin and stubborn pockets of fat.[/pullquote]

In a traditional abdominoplasty, your plastic surgeon can also access the abdominal wall and tighten muscles or repair diastasis recti if necessary. During a tummy tuck, the plastic surgeon makes a horizontal incision just above the pubic bone and also makes a cut inside the belly button to free it from the surrounding skin.

Keep Me Hanging On

Each person’s belly button is actually attached to a stalk, so when the navel is detached from the skin around it, it remains attached to its stalk. Once your plastic surgeon removes any loose, extra skin, remaining abdominal skin is re-draped over the midsection. During this process, your plastic surgeon creates a new opening for your original belly button. So you have the same navel, but the skin that surrounds it is new and your abdominal contours are dramatically improved.

The Mini Exception

A mini tummy tuck may be appropriate for men and women who only have lax skin in their lower abdomen, below their belly button. The navel is not touched or moved during a mini tummy tuck. A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon can help you determine which type of tummy tuck can help you achieve beautiful results.


Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401