December 07, 2009 | Cosmetic Surgery
1 minute read
Giving cosmetic surgery as a gift is actually more common than most people think.
For the right person, a cosmetic procedure is far more satisfying than your average holiday gift item. Those women who have long pondered a mommy makeover or a breast augmentation might find it really exciting.
Dr. Mark Berman of the AACS, who says that many people just need “a little nudge” or “incentive” to finally get cosmetic surgery, also offers this crucial nugget of advice: Make sure you’ve discussed the idea with the recipient in the past; that way it won’t come as a total surprise.
At Dr. Daniel’s office, we’re running “12 deals of Christmas” with a whole list of non-surgical treatments and products that can have you looking great for the holidays. Printable gift certificates are also available; just call us to set the amount and get an authorization code.