Forehead creases, frown lines, and heavy, drooping brows can make you look tired or angry, giving off the wrong impression about who you are or how you feel. Many people are self-conscious about how these common signs of aging affect their appearance. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, can help restore your features, giving you a more youthful, refreshed look.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel is board-certified in both general surgery and plastic surgery and is known as one of the best facial plastic surgeons offering brow lift surgery. Dr. Daniel and his team at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery have helped thousands of people feel confident with their appearance after cosmetic forehead surgery. For more information on whether a brow lift procedure is right for you, give our Eugene office a call today.

Before Your Brow Lift Surgery

When considering a brow lift, each person has his or her own set of questions and unique needs. For this reason, scheduling a consultation with Dr. Daniel is an important step in ensuring the best possible outcome. During your consultation, Dr. Daniel will discuss the outcome you should see from brow lift surgery so you know more about what to expect.

The best candidates for brow lift surgery may have:

  • Deep creases across the forehead

  • Creases high on the bridge of the nose (between the eyes)

  • Heavy, permanent frown lines

  • A low, sagging, or heavy brow that obstructs the upper eyelid

  • Drooping eyebrows that can make you appear tired or old

Dr. Daniel can create a smoother, more youthful-looking forehead by removing excess tissue, tightening the skin, and repositioning drooping brows. Brow lift surgery can be combined with eyelid surgery to improve redundant upper eyelid skin or lower eyelid wrinkles, as well as a facelift to greatly reduce the appearance of lines and creases and correct sagging skin in the lower face and jaw.

Your Brow Lift Procedure

As we age, it’s common for the underlying facial muscles to weaken, contributing to sagging skin. A lowered brow can make you appear older than your chronological age, or permanently tired or upset in a way that detracts from the rest of your facial features.

In addition to improving wrinkles in the brow, a brow lift can also rejuvenate your overall facial appearance, bring out your eyes, and help you appear younger. The result is quite natural appearing without the eyebrows ever being too high or “surprised looking.”

Brow lift surgery requires about one-and-a-half hours of operating time under general anesthesia. The incision lines from a brow lift are typically concealed within the hairline at the temple and scalp. The skin is then lifted and anchored with internal sutures. Dr. Daniel can also adjust the forehead muscles before closing the incisions with staples.

In nearly all cases, Dr. Daniel B. Lee recommends an endoscopic brow lift. For this technique, Dr. Daniel will make several small incisions, each less than an inch in length, behind the hairline. A long, slender camera device called an endoscope is inserted through one of the incisions.

This allows Dr. Daniel to view the underlying muscles and tissues on a television monitor. Another instrument, inserted through a different incision, is used to either alter or remove underlying tissues to smooth the skin’s appearance for a more minimally invasive approach to forehead lift surgery. The incisions are then closed with staples.

Healing Process for Your Brow Lift Surgery

Recovery time after a brow lift is five to 10 days, after which you may return to work and normal activities. Some bruising and swelling is a normal part of recovery.

Bruising may take several weeks to disappear but can typically be covered with cosmetics. You should avoid strenuous exercise for two to three weeks after your brow lift, and you are encouraged to practice good sun protection to optimize your long-term results.

Physically, brow lift surgery helps minimize deep lines and creases while lifting a sagging brow. However, most people experience an improved self-image and a boost in self-esteem after a forehead lift as well.

Call Our Eugene Office for More Information on Brow Lift Surgery

To learn more about your options for brow lift surgery in Eugene, contact us today and schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Daniel.


Is a brow lift the same as a facelift?

No. Generally, the term “facelift” refers to surgical lifting and tightening done on the lower portion of the face. A facelift is often done to treat sagging jowls or a double chin, as well as sagging cheeks or neck. A brow lift is done on the upper portion of the face, particularly the brow area.

Will I look unnatural after a brow lift?

It’s a common misconception that you will look permanently surprised or otherwise strange and unnatural after having a brow lift. As long as you are in the care of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, you can expect the results of your brow lift to look very natural. A good brow lift should leave you looking refreshed and renewed, not fake or overdone.

Am I a good candidate for a brow lift?

If you are in good health, have realistic expectations about brow lift surgery, and don’t smoke you are most likely a good brow lift candidate. People who benefit most from a brow lift are those who are concerned about lines and creases in their forehead, or who want to minimize vertical lines between the eyes. People who want to lift drooping eyebrows may also find a brow lift to be the right fit.

How long does the procedure take?

A brow lift procedure will take approximately 1 to 2 hours under general anesthesia. You should be able to go home the same day but will need someone to drive you. If you are concerned about having surgery, there are nonsurgical options that can provide impressive (though not as dramatic) results. More information about these nonsurgical procedures can be found on the spa side section of our main site.

What is the recovery like?

Your brow lift recovery will probably take from 5 to 10 days, after which time you can resume your normal activities. You’ll probably be asked to refrain from doing anything too strenuous for 2 to 3 weeks after having brow lift surgery. Brow lift patients usually experience some pain or discomfort, which can be managed using medication if necessary.

How long do the results last?

The longevity of brow lift results varies depending on several factors. If you take great care of your health and practice good skin care, you can expect your brow lift results to last for many years. Most brow lift patients enjoy their results for a lifetime.

Will I have scars?

Yes. There will be scars at each incision site. However, the incisions are usually very small and are placed in the hairline. They will most likely be virtually invisible. You can help by following your plastic surgeon’s instructions on how to take care of your incisions immediately after surgery and how to best minimize the appearance of your scars.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401