October 29, 2009 | Medical Spa
2 minute read

The market for skin care products has been overflowing for a long time, and unfortunately, most of the brands you will find are not very effective. What you get at the drug store, cosmetics counter, or beauty salon is often a poor substitute for the medical grade skin care products available from a plastic surgeon.
The most important difference between over-the-counter products and those you’ll find from a doctor is the pH – the level of acid present. Here’s a handy dandy guide for understanding pH levels.
- pH of 1 or 2 is high strength acid, what you’ll typically find in quality, medical grade products from a plastic surgeon.
- pH of 3- 4 is medium strength
- pH of 5-6 is weak
- pH of 7 is neutral
Although an over-the-counter skin care product may advertise a high concentration of alpha-hydroxy acid, it will most often register as a 7 in pH, which is considered neutral. High quality skin care products from a plastic surgeon contain strong acids with a pH level of 1 or 2.
Granted, run-of-the-mill skin care products from the drug store are very safe, but they don’t offer a pH level that will provide results. So when you’re choosing a skin care regimen to cleanse the skin, improve complexion, and protect yourself from the signs of photo-damage, pay attention to the pH level rather than the advertised concentration of acid.