December 11, 2017 | Cosmetic Surgery, Medical Spa
2 minute read
Thinking about treating yourself to a med spa procedure for the new year, but aren’t sure which one to choose? Since the micropeel combines three different procedures—dermaplaning, chemical peel and a frozen CO2 application—you don’t have to pick just one. Take a look at these three common skin concerns that a micropeel could help to improve.*
1. Uneven Skin Texture
The look and feel of flaky, uneven skin texture is a common cosmetic issue for many women and men alike. Because micropeels combine two different types of exfoliation—manual and chemical—they could be a good option to help smooth the outer layer of skin for a more even, uniform texture.*
2. Sun Damage and Hyperpigmentation
[pullquote]Chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid help to gently peel away the outer layer of skin, dirt and debris.[/pullquote]
Years of sunbathing and indoor tanning can eventually add up and lead to signs of sun damage on the skin, such as sun spots and rough, scaly patches of skin. However, sun exposure isn’t the only reason why lots of people struggle with the appearance of hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. Other causes include pregnancy, acne scars and the natural aging process.
If these are concerns for you, small medical spa procedures like a micropeel could be a solution.*
3. Fine Lines and Wrinkles
After getting a micropeel, many women and men see a noticeable improvement in the appearance of lines, wrinkles and lax skin.*
While you may see a difference in the way your skin looks and feels immediately after your micropeel, your Certified Advanced Aesthetician may recommend a series of 4 to 6 micropeel procedures scheduled throughout the year.*
*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.