Before Your Liposuction
Everyone’s body is different, and Dr. Daniel’s expert ability to assess his patients’ proportions and compare their existing anatomy against their goals is essential and allows him to deliver flattering, natural-looking results. For this reason, Dr. Daniel will schedule a pre-operative consultation with you to review all of your options and determine how to customize your procedure to meet your needs.
During your consultation, Dr. Daniel may recommend several strategies to achieve the best liposuction results possible, such as reaching a healthy weight beforehand, which can maximize your contouring. It’s important to note that liposuction isn’t a replacement for proper weight loss through diet and exercise and will not remove large amounts of fat.
If you notice excess skin in addition to isolated problem spots, body contouring may give you better results than liposuction alone can deliver. It’s very common to include liposuction as part of a tummy tuck, or with a mommy makeover for an optimum outcome. For those patients who are good candidates for a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction, Dr. Daniel may recommend CoolSculpting® instead.
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