Stubborn fat that just won’t go away is a prevalent problem for many adults, but surgical solutions involve significant side effects, risks, and recovery time. Instead, EMSCULPT® NEO is an innovative treatment available in Eugene that can achieve your ideal figure. EMSCULPT® technology goes beyond removing excess body fat and does so while improving muscle definition and tone for additional cosmetic enhancements.

EMSCULPT® NEO also tightens the skin to newly enhanced contours for a smoother, firmer complexion. Since the treatment is non-invasive, you may return to your daily routine immediately, though you may feel soreness in the treatment areas for a few days. Schedule an EMSCULPT® NEO consultation today if you are ready to enhance your contours and eliminate the last of your stubborn body fat.

EMSCULPT® NEO for Body Contouring

Body sculpting is a surgical procedure to reduce excess body fat and add definition to muscles for a slimmer, more contoured figure. Non-surgical EMSCULPT® NEO treatments in Eugene, however, also incorporate skin tightening elements, unlike some surgical and non-surgical options.

This technology combines radiofrequency energy and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) energy to improve and emphasize natural body contours.

Radiofrequency energy heats the muscles by several degrees to prepare them for contractions that are similar to exercise, which will enhance muscle strength and tone. This process also heats fat cells, causing them to break down. The body will remove the broken-down fat cells through natural filtration systems.

An additional benefit of EMSCULPT® NEO is skin tightening, which occurs when the heat application stimulates collagen production within the skin. While this enhancement may take several weeks or months to become visibly noticeable, the skin continues to tighten as collagen builds up over time after each treatment session.

EMSCULPT® NEO Treatment Areas and Results

EMSCULPT® NEO treatments in Eugene are non-invasive, so it may take several weeks for initial results to become apparent. After four sessions, final results typically become apparent about three months after the last treatment session. However, additional treatments every three to six months may be recommended to maintain EMSCULPT® NEO enhancements if a patient’s weight is stable.

EMSCULPT® NEO treatments could target body areas that tend to hold excess fat, including the buttocks and abdomen, as well as tone the upper arms and calves for both men and women. Since this treatment is non-surgical, patients may resume their daily routine immediately after a session, with minor skin redness and soreness.

Learn More about EMSCULPT® NEO Body Contouring in Eugene

In situations where diet and exercise do not achieve minimal body fat and maximum muscle tone, EMSCULPT® NEO is the best non-invasive body contouring treatment available in Eugene for achieving your ideal figure and tightening your skin. This innovative treatment contracts your muscles to simulate the effects of squats, crunches, and other exercises.

Despite most patients needing several treatments to achieve ideal fat loss, each session typically takes only half an hour with little to no side effects afterward. Reach out for an EMSCULPT® NEO consultation if you struggle with excess, stubborn body fat and declining muscle tone.

Before & After

Source: BTL Professional Site


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Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401