June 23, 2017 | Facial Surgery
2 minute read

It’s hard to put your best face forward when you feel self-conscious about sun damage. If you’re unhappy with your skin’s appearance or texture, let this be the summer that you get back that youthful glow. Here are three great ways to get your face ready for those long summer days – from staving off premature aging to med spa treatments for sun damage.
1. Protect Your Face
Even if you haven’t been vigilant about sun damage prevention in the past, it’s never too late to start. To prevent future damage (and reduce your risk of skin cancer), always wear high SPF sunscreen when you’ll be outdoors and wear a hat on sunny days. Look for makeup and moisturizers formulated with sun protection.
[pullquote]Skin care experts say you should make sun protection part of your daily routine.[/pullquote]2. Get a Facial
Sun damage slows down the skin’s cell turnover rate. This can cause skin to look dull and dry. When skin cells aren’t replacing themselves fast enough, blemishes and clogged pores may also result. Treatments like facials and chemical peels can help to increase cell turnover rate, making your skin look and feel healthier.
3. Consider Laser Treatment
If you already have some significant sun damage, you might be a great candidate for skin resurfacing treatments like Fraxel® laser treatment. This can be a really effective way to treat wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging and sun damage. The Fraxel® laser actually stimulates your body’s natural collagen production to rejuvenate your skin cells.