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Category: Plastic Surgery In The Media

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July 23, 2010 | Breast Implants, Plastic Surgery In The Media

Tales of Breast Implant Disaster Teach Prospective Patients Valuable Lessons

portarit of a woman with sunglasses and too big breast

In a surprising article by the Orange County Register, recent highly publicized botched boob job stories were outlined as cautionary tales illustrating valuable lessons for would-be breast augmentation patients wishing to avoid experiencing their own plastic surgery nightmares. In addition to touching on the risks of traveling abroad for plastic surgery, the article highlights important […]

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February 22, 2010 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

Surgeons Start Process for Possible Face Transplant

Surgeons in Pittsburgh are seeking approval for a “face transplant” operation.  Such a procedure could restore normal facial characteristics to a patient who has experienced devastating facial trauma. Maybe you remember the “near-total face transplant” performed by Cleveland Clinic surgeons in 2008.  The operation required 22 hours and a large, multi-skilled medical team. According to […]

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January 18, 2010 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

Who’s Getting Plastic Surgery on a Budget?

The latest news says everybody is looking for deals on cosmetic procedures, from scary and illegal “do-it-yourselfers” to smart people who simply want their treatments to be cost-effective and rewarding. However, safety should always be number one priority – another lesson in the news that seems to repeat itself. Links! Patients are learning to prioritize […]

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December 21, 2009 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

Tanning Tax Could Replace Elective Cosmetic Tax in Health Reform Bill

Over the weekend, news reports surfaced saying the elective cosmetic tax had been dropped from the healthcare reform bill, but strangely, lawmakers decided to exchange one controversial tax for another.  They replaced the proposed elective cosmetic tax with a 10% tax on indoor tanning. Representatives of the Indoor Tanning Association say their members – small […]

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August 10, 2009 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

How Perceptions of Beauty Change Over Time

black and white woman lying face down and leaning on her elbows 

What part of your lifestyle do you think contributes the most to your appearance?  Why do you go to such great lengths to look good?  Is there a particular area of your body that you believe is most important? These are the sort of questions asked by researchers during the Beauty for Life survey, a […]

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July 28, 2009 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

Tax on Tummy Tucks Would Be Unfair to Women

tax bill

The possibility of a new cosmetic surgery tax, intended to finance health care reform, had many news outlets buzzing today. According to The Speaker’s Lobby, a FOX News blog, the idea came from a treasury department official, but it sounds as if the tax proposal is “off the table” for now.  Apparently, most finance committee […]

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May 29, 2009 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

Surgical Enhancement Incentives Offered to Nurses

The New York Times reports that European medical practices are offering free surgical enhancements to nurses as an employment incentive.  One nurse opted for breast augmentation and liposuction, free of charge. The piece raises some interesting ethical questions: While the procedures could certainly be beneficial to individual nurses in the short term, would such a practice harm […]

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January 06, 2009 | Plastic Surgery In The Media

First Ever Near-Total Face Transplant Done by Cleveland Surgeons

A diverse group of doctors and surgeons from the Cleveland Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Institute have completed the first ever near-total facial transplant, restoring about 80 percent of a patient’s face. While details and personal information about the patient have been withheld for privacy reasons, the press release available on the Cleveland Clinic’s website states […]

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