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Common Reasons for Breast Augmentation Surgery

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May 22, 2023 | Breast Augmentation
4 minute read

closeup of woman's breasts

A woman’s relationship with her body is highly personal. Women opt for breast augmentation surgery and other cosmetic procedures for a variety of reasons. In many instances, breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a “boob job,” is sought to enhance the volume and contours of the breasts. However, there are many other common reasons for breast augmentation surgery besides the obvious boost in size and shape it provides. If you are considering breast surgery, reach out to our dedicated aesthetic experts to schedule a consultation to learn more about what procedure could best help you achieve your goals.

What Is a Breast Augmentation Procedure?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to increase or restore breast volume. This can be achieved either through the use of silicone or saline breast implants or fat transfer to the breasts. Breast augmentation surgery is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia and typically takes one to two hours to perform.

Incisions are placed just above the breast crease, around the areola, or in the axilla of the breast, depending on the patient’s anatomical features and desired outcome. Through this incision, the surgeon creates a pocket underneath the breast tissue, either on top of or below the chest muscle, to place the implant.

With physical, mental, and emotional benefits to be enjoyed, a breast augmentation can truly be a transformative procedure that can enhance your look and improve your social and romantic life.

Reasons for Seeking a Breast Augmentation

The most popular reason for pursuing breast augmentation surgery is simply to increase breast size and volume. However, other concerns that breast augmentation can address include:

Restoring the Appearance of Breasts Following Pregnancy

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on a woman’s breasts and result in sagginess, droopiness, and a loss in breast volume. Breast augmentation can be highly beneficial for women who wish to restore their pre-pregnancy body. In many instances, this procedure can be combined with a breast lift or body contouring treatments like tummy tucks and liposuction to enhance results further.

Correcting Problems From A Previous Breast Surgery

A number of our patients have approached our board-certified plastic surgeon to fix botched breast surgeries from elsewhere. In the unfortunate event that a woman suffers significant issues following a previous breast surgery at another clinic, a breast augmentation revision may be useful for correcting these issues.

Restoring the Body Following a Mastectomy

For patients who have undergone mastectomy as part of their breast cancer therapy, a breast augmentation with implants can be impactful in restoring body contours and a sense of self.

Improving Confidence and Self-Esteem

Your physical appearance–especially your body– can have a tremendous effect on your overall sense of confidence. Many of our female patients approach us for breast enhancement because the appearance of their breasts makes them feel self-conscious, unattractive, or masculine-looking. Breast implants can give them a variety of benefits that are seen in all aspects of their life: from improved relationships, a more fulfilling social life, and increased professional success.

Improving the Effects of Significant Weight Loss

While losing a significant amount of weight can be an incredible achievement and a step towards a happier, healthier lifestyle, it can often leave our patients with smaller droopier breasts. Combining breast augmentation with lift can help women enjoy the results of their hard work more fully.

Correcting Asymmetry and Misshapen Breasts

Breast implants can also address mild to moderate degrees of asymmetry. For more extensive cases, a reduction or lift may be needed as well. Additionally, women who struggle with misshapen or tubular breast tissue can experience a more balanced silhouette with breast augmentation.

Call Us to Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are many common reasons a woman may pursue breast augmentation surgery. The procedure is safe, and effective, and comes with many physical and emotional benefits.

When you are considering undergoing breast augmentation or other forms of cosmetic surgery, reach out to our trusted team at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery to learn more about your options.

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