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3 Little Things That Can Have a Big Impact after a Tummy Tuck

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March 16, 2020 | Tummy Tuck
2 minute read

Woman sitting on city stairs in workout clothes holding a water bottle.

Woman sitting on city stairs in workout clothes holding a water bottle.For many people, the thought of recovering from cosmetic surgery raises some concerns as they prepare for a tummy tuck or other procedure. However, there are steps you can take to make the entire process easier.

Below are some mommy makeover recovery tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your procedure.

1. Wear Your Compression Garments as Directed

[pullquote]Compression garments are critical to recovery, results and comfort. Wear them exactly as directed.[/pullquote]

You might not love the idea of wearing a compression garment on top of your tummy tuck incision at first, but your body sure will thank you later.

Compression garments help to prevent fluid retention around the surgical site, which in turn, helps to maintain your results and keep you comfortable as you heal. Without a proper-fitting compression garment, your tummy tuck results could end up looking rippled and less than optimal.

2. Skip the Salt

As you picked up from point one, fluid retention after a mommy makeover is bad news. This means that anything that can cause your body to hold onto excess water is also not good. While you might be craving salty snacks during your recovery period, try to avoid excessive salt intake to keep unnecessary swelling at bay.

3. Stay Hydrated

Finally, while excess fluid isn’t good, staying hydrated is critical. Make sure you are drinking the recommended amount of water each day, breaking it up into small servings throughout the day. You want to avoid overfilling your stomach during your tummy tuck recovery to avoid discomfort.

Another way you can make sure your recovery goes well is to hack it in advance. For more information on prep and mommy makeover tips, call our Eugene office at 541-687-8900 to schedule your consultation.

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