As signs of aging begin to show in the breasts, the skin and supportive ligaments tend to lose elasticity, causing the breasts to drop to a lower position. A breast lift, or mastopexy, removes excess skin and raises the breasts to create a firmer, more youthful breast profile.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel is board-certified in both general surgery and plastic surgery and specializes in breast enhancement surgery, including breast lifts. With his patient-first approach, Dr. Daniel and his team at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are known for helping women feel confident about their procedures from surgery-prep through recovery. For more details on breast lift surgery, call our Eugene office today.

Before Your Breast Lift

Before your breast lift, you will have a consultation with Dr. Daniel to discuss your hopes for surgery. Because Dr. Daniel customizes his approach to breast lift surgery for each patient, your consultation is the perfect time to discuss your appearance goals as well as answer any questions you may have.

Your consultation is also the ideal time to talk about whether you would like to include any other procedures with your breast lift. Many women decide to include a breast lift as part of a mommy makeover, with or without the addition of breast implants.

Your Breast Lift Procedure

A breast lift can help women experiencing sagging who would like to improve the position and appearance of their breasts. In addition to raising and reshaping the breasts, a breast lift can also reposition the nipples and resize the areolas as needed.

Anything from age, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or simply genetics can contribute to breast ptosis, or sagging.

Women frequently choose to combine a breast lift with breast augmentation to provide a size boost in addition to raising their breast position in a way that implants alone can’t deliver. Combining a lift with implants often gives women the best of both worlds.

Dr. Daniel offers three variations of breast lift incisions:

  • An initial incision around the areola followed by a concentric incision around the initial one. This leaves only an incision around the areola as the final scar.

  • An incision around the areola with another incision down the front of the breast to the crease below (the inframammary fold).

  • An incision around the areola with another incision down the front of the breast to the inframammary fold, continuing horizontally along the fold of the breast.

The incision Dr. Daniel uses for you will depend upon the pre-surgical state of your breasts.

Following the initial incision, breast tissue is reshaped to create a rounder look. If the skin has become loose, excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is tightened around the new breast shape. Lastly, the nipple and areola are moved to a natural, youthful position and the areolas are resized if needed.

Healing Process for Your Breast Lift

You should notice a change in your breast shape and position right after surgery. Most women take around a week off from work and other normal activities. Swelling should dissipate over the next one to two months, and lines from the incisions should continue to fade over the next several months and years.*

Following your breast lift, your breasts should be at a higher position, and you should also notice an improved breast shape as well as a firmer texture and a perkier silhouette.

Schedule Your Breast Lift Surgery in Eugene Today

To learn more about your options for breast lift surgery in Eugene, please contact us online. Our plastic surgery practice is conveniently located near the Oakway Center.

More Breast Lift Resources


Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?

Women who have noticed that pregnancy, breastfeeding, significant weight loss, or age have caused a degree of breast ptosis, or sagging, may benefit from mastopexy. A breast lift can correct sagging by lifting the breasts to a higher position on the chest and rounding the breasts into shapelier contours.

A breast lift can also resize the areola or reposition the nipple, if necessary. Women who are in overall good health and who have realistic expectations about the outcomes of a breast lift may be good candidates for the procedure.

Can I combine a breast lift with breast augmentation?

A breast lift can elevate the position of the breasts, but it won’t increase breast size or restore volume that may have been lost due to nursing or other life changes. For the right candidates, combining a breast lift with a breast augmentation can mean more comprehensive results.

Breast augmentation can create fuller breasts while a breast lift corrects sagging, addressing both volume and position. The two breast enhancement procedures can complement each other beautifully and can be performed simultaneously to minimize downtime.

Can I combine a breast lift with breast reduction?

Women with overly large breasts may experience pain or discomfort as a result of their breast size. A breast reduction removes fat and breast tissue to create breasts that are more proportionate with the body. When Dr. Daniel performs a breast reduction, he also includes the key elements of a breast lift to ensure natural-looking results.

What will the scars look like?

As with any surgery, some incisions are necessary when performing a breast lift. However, Dr. Daniel is careful to make the incisions as discreet as possible to minimize any visible scarring. The type of incision that Dr. Daniel uses will depend upon the extent of the procedure and whether any additional breast enhancement options are being performed at the same time.

The anchor scar is one of the most common incisions to use during mastopexy. This incision-type circles around the areola, extending vertically downward to the breast fold and extending with the curve of the fold. With proper care and good scar management, most women find that these incisions can gradually fade to a point of being hardly noticeable.

When can I expect to see my final results?

Right after surgery, you should notice an improvement in your breast placement. However, for the first few weeks following your procedure, you’ll experience some bruising and swelling that can obscure your final results. It can take several months for the breasts to fully heal after a breast lift.

By the 6-month mark, your figure should look perkier and uplifted, and be fully settled into your new silhouette. The whole healing process takes about 1 year for most women.*

*This information is for education only and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Meet Dr. Lee B. Daniel

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel is trusted by people who want a meticulous, deeply caring doctor.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401