Study Examines Varicose Vein Treatment Options—Similar Findings

A comparative study of varicose vein treatment options yielded similar results among the choices, according to The Washington Post.

These veins can often appear (in women more often than men) when a valve in the leg malfunctions, preventing blood from returning to the heart. While enlarged veins are often a cosmetic issue, varicose vein treatment options are sometimes medically necessary to treat pain and discomfort.

The two most common varicose vein treatment options include removing the enlarged vein through surgery, or closing it with a cosmetic laser.

Patients who underwent the more traditional stripping surgery saw a 23% recurrence of an enlarged vein, while those who had one of the varicose vein treatment options with a laser saw only a 16% recurrence rate.

The laser patients, however, were more likely to experience some pooling of blood on the legs near the site of the veins. Still, the cosmetic improvement from the laser treatment was rated higher.

As far as recovery, both varicose vein treatment options yielded similar healing times. Patients resumed many of their normal activities after a few days and were able to return to work after a week and a half.

To find out more about varicose vein treatment options in Eugene, please join the mailing list of plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel.

Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
244 Country Club Rd
Eugene OR   97401